Spread light in the darkness.

Breast cancer takes the lives of over 40,000 women every year. We’re doing our part to change that.

Leslie’s Light is a Legacy

Now we want to give that legacy to other women.

Leslie’s Lights is named for Leslie Arenson, who fought cancer for three years before passing at the age of 36. Through her life and battle with cancer, she advocated for early screening, education, and prevention for breast cancer.

Though she is no longer with us, her legacy remains. Leslie’s Lights works to carry on that legacy and support other women and families in need with the ultimate goal of ending cancer’s devastating impact on the lives of its victims.

We exist to defeat cancer.

Here’s how we do it.

Build Awareness

Knowledge, awareness, and screenings are the most important factors in discovering and defeating cancer.

Improve Outcomes

Partnering with existing organizations to connect women to information and targeted treatments for better results.

Build Awareness

Giving to cancer research for the advancement of treatment, prevention, and an ultimate cure.

Be a change maker.

Donate to Leslie’s Lights.